Kayaking the Oder/Odra East and West

Schwedt – a nice place to relax

Since the Oder offers an amazing view from the Autobahn Berlin-Szczecin finally it was time to explore this river! My ‘base-camp’ this summer was in Schwedt on the redesigned ‘Wassersportzentrum Schwedt’, which now is a modern sports-, recreation- and German-Polish community-centre. The location is perfect for relaxing, there is a steady flow of people on bicycle- or boat-tour down or up the Oder.  You can enjoy nature in this area in many ways, and jumping to Szczecin on the bicycle (around 60 kilometers) is a nice trip.

Present, past and future in the border region

The situation in the region between the neighbour-countries Germany and Poland normalized a lot in the last years: As many Polish car-plates you can see in Germany, these many German car-plates you see in Poland. Buying or renting an apartment or house in Szczecin is pretty expensive, so many Polish people settle in this very Eastern part of Germany and bring life back to an area, where many people went away from.

But past is still present: There is a lot of ammunition unexploded along the dyke-sides, so it is strongly forbidden to leave the paths. And on the day of my trip a special squad recovered 11 corpses of soldiers of the Red Army, obviously hastily buried in 1945. They still carried dangerous weapons and ammunition.

About my second trip around Gryfino I posted here.

Die Strecke der Tour Schwedt -Ognica – Widuchowa – Friedrichthal -Gatow und wieder Schwedt…

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