Bigos – An adventure in Polish cuisine

It is real Polish cuisine and an amazing meal: Bigos. Beside my more or less successful effort to learn the Polish language it was time to do my second attempt in preparing some original Polish food.

Jestem słoikem’ (or ‘jestem słoikiem’ – hard Polish declination)! People from Warszawa describe the German ‘Landeier‘ (in English something like ‘redneck‘ ,  ‘hillbilly‘…) with this term. But I confess: Born in Berlin, I am one of these słoiki :)!
So in summer I prepared Ogorki and now it was time for Bigos. Ten słoiki for the busy days, when there is no time to prepare some fresh food.

Thanks to all my friends and collegues from Poland who helped realizing this with tips and ideas.

Here is what it looked like today:

[slideshow_deploy id=’1773′]

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