Between the years 2015/16 in Gdańsk – Industrial area

Second post about my 7-days-trip to Gdańsk (here’s the first one).

You could ask, why I am presenting Gdańsk in this way, not showing  the Fontanna Neptuna or the view of the beautiful inner-city of Gdańsk. It’s easy: Other people do. A billion times.

The heavy industry of Gdańsk is fighting to survive like in other countries. But still it is the place to work and earn money for thousands of people, and new industries are settling in Gdańsk. So I think it’s worth to take a – very distanced – look at this.

I discovered the area around Brzeźno and Wolny Obszar Celny until Przeróbka. I am really sad not to have taken pictures at Nowy Port. This area has an amazing old charme!

My trip trough the industrial area of Gdańsk. Dziękuję bardzo to the magnific community of Polish OpenStreetMappers!

[slideshow_deploy id=’1549′]

The heart of the shipyards I am presenting in this post.

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